
Gary Carpenter Hurricane
Norman Farley, Jr. Hinton
Dave Guthrie Ripley
Roger Kirk Washington
Steve Milam Belle
Jim Pauley Franklin
Warren Stewart Sistersville


President Ronald S. Saloky Fairmont
Vice President Ron Miller Elkview
Secretary John Edman Washington
Treasurer Bob Humphrey Glen Daniels
Past President/Director Larry L. Lawson Pinch

Banquet at Cedar Lakes, Ripley

Speaker: Jerry Peterson
Seminars: Roy Goodwin

1989 Awards presented at Banquet

Bowhunter of the Year Steve Milam
Master Bowhunter Bill Mason, Dick Dohm
Expert Bowhunter Willard Bromfield, Jim Casto, Pat Kerns, Gene Petri
Big Buck Award Willard Bromfield, 135-7/8
Big Groundhog Award Loyd Gill
Regional Rep of the Year Gary Carpenter
Photo Contest 1st Norman Farley, 2nd Randy Epling, 3rd Gene Petri
Legislator of the Year Nick J. Rayhall II
Outdoor Writer of the Year Harry Clendenen
DNR Employee of the Year Sgt. Wayne Styers
Landowner of the Year Ravenswood Aluminum Corporation
Manufacturer of the Year Sink Manufacturing


Awards Marc Fox
Records John Edman
Merchandise John Slaughter


Spring      at Elk River Bowhunters Association, Elkview
Seminars:   Ronnie Spurgeon, Joe Rieffenberger, Doug Crabtree

Summer    at Stephens Lake, Beckley
Seminars:    Dave Canfield, Bill Phillips

Fall            at Wildlife League of Ohio County, Wheeling

Treasure Mountain    at Sugar Grove, George Crider farm


Division of Natural Resources/Legislative Agenda

At the first quarter DNR Game Commission meeting, the W.Va. Muzzleloaders Association requested a special season on deer in the antlerless counties.  WVBA president Larry Lawson pointed out that October is bow season.  And just because this is a muzzleloader season, 250,000 deer gun hunters would not “sit on the porch” while another gun group got the first shot at that big buck.  Lawson stated this would destroy bow season as it exists today.  The DNR stated they wanted to watch the 1990 deer harvest before any changes were made.

Past president Larry Lawson appointed as WVBA DNR/Legislative Representative.  At the second quarter Commission meeting, the WVBA requests that the Class RB tag become an either sex tag.  This was approved at the third quarter Commission meeting.  Also approved was the opening of 14 additional counties to Archery Bear hunting only.  Both measures would take affect in 1991.

At the fourth quarter Commission meeting, the WVBA requests that bowhunters be allowed to substitute a bow for the muzzleloader during that season.  Reason being that this would allow more bowhunting opportunities.  The DNR stated that since this muzzleloader season was set by the Legislature and the law reads the season will be for muzzleloaders “only”.  This points out the problem with the Legislature setting seasons.  There is no flexibility to improve or change the season without changing the law.


  • Membership questionnaire results in winter VOICE.

  • WVBA receives the W.Va. Wildlife Federation (WVWF) Affiliated Club of the Year

  • WVWF presents past President Larry Lawson with its’ Presidential Award for his many years of unselfish efforts on behalf of sportsmen in W.Va.

  • W.Va. DNR gives the Rev. Stacy Groscup the first annual W.Va. Sportsmen of the Year award.