
Frank Addington Winfield
Randy Branson Baker
Dean Hupp Belpre, OH
John Negley Williamstown
Jerry Moore Parkersburg
Ken Snyder Parkersburg
Dr. Dave Samuel Morgantown


President E. Fred Richter Wheeling
Vice President Larry Lawson Pinch
Secretary Bob Gay Wheeling
Treasurer R. Tim Reed Treasurer

Banquet at North Bend State Park, Ritchie County

Speaker: Barry Wensel
Seminars: Keith Rush
Rev. Stacy Groscup
Tom Flemming

1981 Awards presented at Banquet

Bowhunter of the Year John Negley
Big Buck Award James Riggle, 111-7/8
President’s Award Bob Rexroad, Ken Snyder
Special President’s Award Rev. Stacy Groscup
Photo Contest, Bowhunter Exp. Gerald Lewis
Photo Contest, Game Taken J.R. Clingan
Legislator of the Year Dr. Donza T.Worden
Landowner of the Year WESTVACO


Awards Warren Stewart
Bowhunter Awareness John Negley
Membership Ken Snyder


Southern      at Elk River Bowhunters Association, Elkview
Seminars:       Bob McGuire, Tom Flemming, M.R. James

Northern      at Wildlife League of Ohio County, Wheeling
Seminars:        Fred Asbell, M.R. James, Rev. Stacy Groscup, Tom Flemming, Gene Blackshire, Dave Samuel, Bob Kirschner

Division of Natural Resources/Legislative Agenda

            WVBA makes formal proposal of second deer tag system.  Dr. Dave Samuel provides much research and relevant data stating the second deer tag will cause only about a 12% increase in bowkilled deer; will increase the check-in rate, and will greatly increase the number of bowhunting opportunities.


  • Warren Stewart holds WVBA Carp Shoot held on the Ohio River at St. Marys.

  • Bob Gay wins first Carp Shoot with 10 carp.

  • Organization by-laws adopted.

  • Results on 1981 Bowhunter Survey posted.

  • Twenty two National Bowhunter Education classes taught.